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dei Servizi della salute

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A person who is not self-sufficient is affected by a pathological situation which does not allow the subject to autonomously live his/her everyday routine. Therefore, he/she needs help to carry out all or just a part of his/her everyday activities (walking, getting washed, getting dressed and eating).
Despite not affecting exclusively elderly, no self-sufficiency is frequent among people aged over seventy-five years when chronic disorders, the presence of multiple pathologies, functional reductions, the need to take more medicines and other health issues play a crucial role.
A type of no self-sufficiency more and more spread among elderly is senile dementia which occurs through a progressive worsening of cognitive faculties (memory and language) that jeopardises carrying out everyday tasks and getting in touch with people. There are different types of senile dementia: some can be reversible some can not; the majority in fact are irreversible: among these there is Alzheimer’s syndrome, a peculiar degenerative type of dementia.

All that you should know about Alzheimer’s syndrome

The Ministry of Health dedicates an in-depth section at Alzheimer’s syndrome and it allows to know causes, symptoms and signs, complications, diagnosis, therapy and prevention.

Provided by the NHS

he National Health Service (NHS) provide some free, without any ticket payment, health services to people who are no self-sufficient. To know more please go to the section “health services”.

Therapeutic treatment

The Italian Ministry of Health has give wide space to a section abouthealth services for people who are not self-sufficient, listing modalities and requirements for domiciliary care or in specific health facilities, on the request of the general practitioner and after an evaluation comprehensive of the physical, psychic and social conditions by the evaluation unit within the related Local Health Unit (ASL).

Trova Strutture

This section allows readers to find health facilities devoted to elderly across national territory that can be contacted to receive answers about your own health needs.
Structures are divided according to the type into:
• Centers for the diagnosis and treatment of dementia, which specialize in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of cognitive disorders;
• Residential and semi-residential facilities devoted to elderly who can not take care of their own needs at home. These facilities can frequently be identified by different names or acronyms from a Region to another and it is possible that an acronym (for example RSA stands for healthcare residence) has a different meaning in different Regions.
The methods of access to structures vary from region to region and, in some cases, from ASL to ASL. Go to the website of your ASL to find out how to book.


Specify the health problem